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Thoughts on Encouragement

They might not need me; but they might.
I’ll let my head be just in sight;
A smile as small as mine might be
Precisely their necessity.
~Emily Dickinson; submitted by Jessica Lee D.

"The Lord God hath given me the tongue of the learned,
that I should know how to speak a word in season to him that is weary..."

~Isaiah 50:4~

Giving Hearts
Bless them, Lord, who give of care
That eases heartache and despair;
Hearts of healing love and smiles
That comfort pain and tears of trials.
For they are Christian, through and through,
Who do as You would have them do,
And live, within Your holy creed,
To answer to a sufferer’s need.

They sow Your seeds of love and care,
That blossom into kindly faire
And share the gifts You give to them
With kin and stranger, foe and friend;
And, by their acts of loving hearts,
They better life and human lot
And honor you upon this earth,
By giving of their Christian worth.

~By Michael Dubina; From Mrs. Gloria Y.

I Want to Give
The bread that bringeth strength I want to give,
The water pure that bids the thirsty live:
I want to help the fainting day by day;
I’m sure I shall not pass again this way.

I want to give the oil of joy for tears,
The faith to conquer cruel doubts and fears.
Beauty for ashes may I give always;
I’m sure I shall not pass again this way.

I want to give good measure running o’er,
And into angry hearts I want to pour
The answer soft that turneth wrath away.
I’m sure I shall not pass again this way.

I want to give to others hope and faith,
I want to do all that the Master saith;
I want to live aright from day to day;
I’m sure I shall not pass again this way.

~Author Unknown; From Jessica Lee D.

Give and Do
Someone is lonely, wants tender care;
Someone needs someone, just to be there.
Someone is longing for a hand to hold;
To hear, "I love you" -- words of gold.
Someone you know needs a friend,
Make it you, with help to lend.
Someone near you has much to give;
Gracious show them how to live.
Reach out and touch, give and do;
That "someone," someday, may be you!

~By Ruth Moyer Gilmour; Submitted by Mrs. Gloria Y.

The Joy of Laughter
Solomon writes that “a cheerful heart has a continual feast,” and he is right. I find that a spirit of cheer spreads rapidly. Before you know it, others have joined you at the table. Choose joy!

There are very few days in my life during which I find nothing to laugh at. Laughter is the most familiar sound in the hallway where my staff and I work alongside each other. What a contagious thing is outrageous joy… everybody wants to be around it. So, rejoice!

~By Charles Swindoll; Submitted by Tammy F.

A Caring Thought
There is no greater pleasure
Than to help a friend in need,
A simple act of kindness,
A smile, a word, a deed.

A little comfort given
To those who are alone,
A little thought for others,
To their needs, and not our own.

~By Dolores Karides; From Mrs. Gloria Y.

Now is the Time
I may not pass this way again,
Lord, let me stop awhile
To help some stranger on the way,
And make somebody smile!

I may not pass this way again,
Lord, let me find the poor,
And give them food and show them love,
And lead them to Thy door!

I may not pass this way again,
Lord, let me love and give
And do according to Thy will
While on this earth I live!

~By Marion Schoeberlein; From Mrs. Gloria Y.

Submitted for inclusion in HW, Vol. 45, Jan.-Feb. 2002

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