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HW Submission Guidelines
All submissions must be consistent with Biblical principles -- written for the purpose of encouraging and building up other believers, not tearing anyone down. Since HW readers come from a wide variety of denominational backgrounds, we endeavor to focus on the truths we all believe rather than causing contentions by bringing up our differences in standards, etc. There is so much disunity, contention, and debate in the body of Christ, and it grieves the Lord. Yes, there is a time to stand up for our convictions and standards, and we certainly should be prayerfully firm in what we believe -- but there is also a need for encouragement on the issues we hold in common. By pointing to the principles of God's word and encouraging readers to seek the Lord for His leading, we can all grow in the Lord together. :-) This quote by Spurgeon was recently shared with me by an HW reader; it sums up our thoughts well:
"Our days are few, and are far better spent in doing good, than in disputing over matters which are, at best, of minor importance?After everything has been said that can be said, neither party is any the wiser, and therefore the discussion no more promotes knowledge than love, and it is foolish to sow in so barren a field. Questions upon points wherein Scripture is silent; upon mysteries which belong to God alone; upon prophecies of doubtful interpretation; and upon mere modes of observing human ceremonials, are all foolish, and wise men avoid them."
We prefer to use the KJV Bible for Scriptures in articles, but will occasionally print a verse in another version if a writer prefers it. Please indicate which version you're using if it is other than KJV.

We will consider submissions from readers of any age, male or female. Though the majority of HW readers and contributors are females under 25 years, we desire that HW continue to be family-oriented, as a ministry from our family to yours. We especially value wisdom from older readers, who can teach us so much from their years of experience.

We will also consider submissions from those who do not subscribe to HW -- though we suggest that you see at least one issue before submitting items, to get more of a feel of the types of articles we are looking for.

Poems, quotes and excerpts from Christian authors, speakers, books, etc. are welcome -- but please don't submit items that infringe copyright laws! Copyrighted articles and books may be briefly quoted from, but not printed in full without permission from the author. Most writings older than 75 years are free for use today, unless the copyright has been renewed. Please give credit to the author, and if possible include the name of the work the quote is taken from.

Submissions are preferably sent by e-mail -- plain text is preferable, but if you want to preserve formatting, Microsoft Word attachments are fine. Submissions may also be sent by regular mail if that is easier for you, though this does necessitate more typing on my end. :-) Scanned-in photos or drawings are fine as well -- a .jpg format usually is easiest.

The majority of articles printed in HW are 500-1,000 words, and we also use many shorter quotes and poems. Longer articles are welcome, however -- sometimes we make room for them in one issue or split them between several issues.

It is quite helpful (though not required) to me if submissions of different types (recipes, quotes, article, etc.) are sent in separate e-mails or on separate sheets of paper. With each submission, please include your name and location as you would like it to be printed (pennames like "A sister in Christ" are acceptable, if that is what you prefer). On photos, please include the information you would like printed (names, ages, date, location). With longer articles, please include a short "bio" -- a few sentences telling about yourself. A photo of yourself is also nice, but not required. :-)

If you would like any photos or articles or drawings returned to you, please use a sticky note or such on them, including your name and that you would like it returned. Subscribers need not send an SASE, unless you would like your item returned before I mail the next issue to you.

All submissions are subject to editing for clarity and length as the Lord leads. We reserve the right to not print any submitted articles as seems best, and in such a case you are free to submit them elsewhere.

Hidden Wisdom readers who share our beliefs and goals are welcome to copy portions of the printed issues to share with others. However, if you have a publication or website and would like to reprint HW articles, please wirte and ask permission. Reprinting is generally allowed, but we appreciate kowing what articles will be used where. :-) Exceptions are made when the author of an article requests to retain the copyright of their work -- in such a case we will endeavor to get you directly in touch with the writer to ask their permission. Writers, if you wish to retain the copyright on your writing, we will include the copyright information with your article when it is printed in HW -- please specify this when sending your submissions.

Articles that do not fit in the printed issue may be considered for inclusion on HW's website. If you would prefer that your submissions never be put online, please say so when you submit them.

We are often asked if we can pay for printed submissions. HW is done as a non-profit ministry, funded only by donations from subscribers, so we are regretfully unable to offer any pay besides gratitude and the knowledge that you have been a blessing to many people.

I hope that these guidelines will in no way discourage readers from submitting items. I know full well how much time and effort it takes to prepare and send submissions, and I am grateful for each one received. If you have any further questions before sending your items, please feel free to email me.

Thank you so much for your interest in being a blessing to others through HW! Click here for a listing of articles most needed at this time.

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