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Hidden Wisdom Volume 56

Volume 56
I am thankful to finally be able to get this summary of Volume 56 online. My computer has been completely out of commision (for the second time this fall) for about three weeks now. It is still down, but I finally cleared out enough space on my parents' slow computer to download an FTP program. I'm editing HTML files with WordPad: tedious, but certainly better than nothing. :-) I appreciate everyone's patience in waiting for this summary.

I thank Him that the issue was able to be finished and mailed out just about a week later than usual, on November 3. Through these lengthy and frustrating computer problems, God has really been teaching me a lot about having a meek and quiet spirit under pressure. I trust the articles in this issue will be a blessing to all of you, as they were to me.

Here's an outline of what this issue contains:

Theme: A Meek and Quiet Spirit

From the Editress
~ By Abigail M. Paul ~
Thoughts on changes that come in life...and the faithfulness of our unchanging God.

Three and a half pages of encouraging comments and feedback from readers, including two photos.

Wise Counsel
Do you ever struggle with showing patience to younger siblings or children? You are not alone! Five readers share Scriptural answers to this common difficulty.

Of Great Price
~ By Grace P. ~
Grace shows the fine line between righteous anger, standing alone, and a meek spirit.

The Gentle Strength...Of a Meek and Quiet Spirit
~ By Jessica Lee D. ~
A closer look at the meanings of "meekness" and "quietness."

Right or Wrong Intentions?
~ By Jennifer S. ~
An encouraging look at demonstrations of meekness in Scripture, as well as various appropriate quotes.

Blessed are the Pure in Heart...
~ By Mrs. Gloria Y. ~
Mrs. Y. shares of a pivotal point in her life when God showed her the high value of a teachable spirit.

The Beauty...Of a Meek and Quiet Spirit
~ By Amanda O. ~
A look at the best example of meekness: Christ.

The Ornament...Of a Meek and Quiet Spirit
An insightful reminder of the high value of this ornament, especially in a woman's life.

The Paul Family Chronicle
This new column gives you a glimpse into our family life! Includes articles by Abigail, Susanna, and Lydia, as well as three recent photos.

Together For Good
~ By Naomi H. ~
You won't want to miss this fourth chapter of the story of Nabal and Abigail, as seen through a servant's eyes. Sarah C.'s excellent illustrations again add much to the story.

The Pilgrim's Wants
What do you want in life? This poem should be our daily prayer.

His Perspective
~ By Jana Baldridge ~
Sometimes God leads in surprising ways, and we need to keep our focus on Him through it all.

Drying & Storing Herbs
~ By Erika M. ~
Want to preserve some herbs to use all winter? Erika gives practical advice and tips to keep in mind.

Thoughts on Submission
A close look at 1 Peter 2:1-3:4, from the perspective of a young wife.

In the Waiting
~ By Emily W. ~
Insights from one who has learned to "hope and quietly wait for the Lord."

The Bibliophile's Niche
Three books are reviewed in this issue, just in time for your winter reading. :-)

The Rewards of Obedience
~ By Rachel S. ~
A true story with an unforgettable lesson: excellent for younger readers, but something we all need to remember.

Where Will You Spend Eternity?
~ By Lindsey S. ~
Can you give a positive answer to this all-important question?

Subscriber's Corner
In this issue we get to meet Jessie P. and her busy family; includes a photo.

A Time to Cook... Holiday Favorites
HW food editor Katherine N. has again gathered a selection of delicious recipes for us to enjoy!

Nine ads are included in this issue, ranging from free email newsletters to tatted gifts to penpals.

Discover the Treasures of God's Wisdom!
The daily Bible readings for November and December are found in Isaiah and Jeremiah. We pray that this will be a helpful resource to you in your daily quiet times.

Click here to see how you can receive a copy of this exciting issue --
we look forward to hearing from you!

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