My Salvation Testimony
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! I would like to tell you of some of the blessings He has given me, but first let me introduce myself...
My full name is Abigail Miriam Paul, and I am 19 years old. I am the oldest of 6 children; we have always homeschooled and I finished 12th grade in 1997. My family and I live on a 160-acre chemical-free farm in central Iowa, where we raise a variety of grains and animals. Daddy's parents also have a house here, so Daddy and Grandpa farm together.
My parents are both Christians, so we have always read the Bible and sang together, etc. But it wasn't until I was 9 years old that I clearly saw my need for a Savior. The Holy Spirit had really been working on me, and I became increasingly fearful lest Christ should return. I knew I wasn't ready to meet Him, and I was terrified. Sometimes I would just sit in fear and listen for a trumpet.
Finally, on March 18, 1990, I just couldn't stand it any more and I asked Mother how I could go to heaven. She talked to me, helped me to pray, and suddenly I wasn't scared any more! I knew I was ready to meet Christ -- He paid for my sins to I wouldn't have to be afraid to meet my Creator. Truly it was a wonderful peace I felt! I've never regretted the choice I made that night.
Since then, I have grown in the Lord, and read His Word daily. I know I have many lessons yet to learn, but praise the Lord for the work He has done in my life.
Besides salvation, one of the greatest blessings the Lord has given me is my magazine, Hidden Wisdom. I have been printing it bi-monthly for 5 years now, and currently have 122 subscribers. God has provided everything necessary for it through the years, and taught me so many lessons! I pray I may make the most of this wonderful opportunity to reach out the others and encourage them in the walk of a believer.
The Lord has also blessed me with a number of faithful penpals. They are all very special to me, and I appreciate them even more as we don't have any fellowship around here at this time. It is such a joy to receive encouraging letters from my sisters in Christ!
I won't go into more detail here, though there is much I could write about. This stanza, from the beautiful hymn, "Blessed Assurance," sums up the greatest blessing I have:
"Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine:
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!
Heir of salvation, purchase of God:
Born of His Spirit, washed in His blood."
~Fanny Crosby
If you don't know the Lord as your Savior, please let Him in today! All you have to do is believe that He died for you, accept this gift of salvation, and repent of your sins. It's the most important decision anyone can ever make. With Christ in your heart, you not only have the promise of eternal life in heaven, but your life on earth will never be the same. Please do it today -- you'll be glad you did!
~This article was originally written b Abigail Paul in 1994, and first published in Ribbons 'N' Lace newsletter. It was revised in January of 2000 and published in Peculiar People magazine. Information in the article is current, as of Jan. 2000.