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The Timing Zone
I'm a fifteen-year-old female who has always dreamed of having a big family. I love children, and with only two younger brothers, I look forward to having my own family with many children.

As a young girl, all I thought about was having children and I often told people I wanted twenty or more. They would just laugh and tell me I'd change my mind as I got older. As I got older, and began to realize it took two people to have children, I figured, sure, I will date and then get married.

Three years ago, my folks came home from a homeschool convention and told me I was going to use courtship. They had heard "Little Bear" Wheeler and loved the idea of courtship instead of dating.

My first response was, "That is old-fashioned and what guy is ever going to do that?" After reading up on courtship in "New Attitude" (a homeschool teen magazine) and listening to one of "Little Bear" Wheeler's tapes, I got to really thinking. After much prayer and talking to other teen-age girls, I felt God was saying, "Courtship is the one and only thing for you." Now I believe in it whole-heartedly.

As to the age of marriage and what to do if no one is available, I feel it is between you and God. My parents got married at 18, went to college, and in their junior year became born-again Christians. I feel that if you find the right person, and you feel God is saying this is him or her, it will be the right one. If you get done with high school and haven't found anyone, just keep praying. God knows when, where, how, and at what age you are to meet and marry.

Another conviction I have is to pray for your mate. He or she needs all your prayers even if you don't know them yet. Someday you will be able to look back and say, "I prayed for you daily, even before we know each other or were interested in each other." It can't hurt to pray, and the more you do, the closer you will be to Christ and the closer you will be to your mate when you meet. It is like waiting for a new baby -- the longer you wait and pray, the closer you will feel to them, and the more you will love them.

I hope and pray God will bless you, your children, and your future mate. God bless!

~Miss Hannah M. L. H., from MO
Taken from Abigail's Amazing Articles, Vol. 7

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