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Eternity on the Sydney Harbour Bridge, New Year's Eve, January 1, 2000
Photo by courtesy of Col Kirton and Warren Cardwell -- Eternity Production and Design
Volume 35
I still can hardly believe this issue actually got done on time -- my computer kept acting up, and my file was inaccessible for a couple weeks. I honestly didn't think I'd be getting this issue out until the first week of May! But, praise the Lord, He worked everything out just fine! :-)
The theme for this issue is so vital to each Christian -- I hope you'll send for this issue. I've really learned a lot about the way Satan works and about Spiritual warfare just by putting it together.
Here's an outline of what this issue contains:
Theme: The Armor of God
- An expanded statement of HW's purpose and goals -- I added Proverbs 2:1-6, 9-11 for the first time.
- The results of HW's 2000 Contest -- thanks to all participants!
- Four pages of Epistolography -- encouraging letters from readers.
- Wise Counsel answers to "do you have any tips on memorizing Scripture?"
- How Can We Best Battle Satan?, by Kurt D.
- How to Resist Satan -- an excellent 6-page article by Theodore H. Epp
- Spiritual Warfare: The Need and Power of Prayer -- written by Deborah B. and illustrated by Shelley B.
- The Armor of God, a poem by Jamie S.
- I've Fought the Fight, a poem by Jolea J.
- The Story of My Life, Chapter 30 -- read about the very first issue of my publication, "Abigail's Amazing Articles," including excerpts.
- The Faith Room, Part 2, Written by Samantha J. and illustrated by Sara F.
- Subscriber's Corner -- Meet Jami P. and her family
- You Can Make a Natural Wall Plaque, by Mary U.
- Unity of Believers -- pattern for quilt square #8
- Eternity in the Heart of Sydney -- "What was the story behind the enigmatic word which lingered on the Sydney Harbor Bridge after the New Year's Eve fireworks faded out?" -- an excellent true story by Nigel Chapman, complete with photos (see one above!).
- A Time to Cook... Readers' Favorite Recipes! -- introducing the new food editor, Theresa W.!
- A Favorite Hymn History ("O Love That Wilt Not Let Me Go"), by Abigail Paul
- Daily Bible Readings and Weekly Memory Verses for May and June
- And much more in between!!
Click here to see how you can receive a copy of this exciting issue -- we look forward to hearing from you!

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