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Volume 40
All the copies of Hidden Wisdom (Vol. 40, March-April 2001), are finished now and waiting to be prepared for mailing. I praise the Lord that we were able to get them done a bit sooner this time! =) Lord willing, I'll be able to get them all mailed out before the first of March arrives.
I really learned a lot from putting this issue together... Submission/obedience is a tough area for me and I needed the reminders this issue contains. I praise the Lord for never giving up on me, even when I am so stubborn -- isn't He wonderful?
This issue includes HW's 2001 survey: please take a moment to fill it out! Your opinions are very important! Though a paper form is included in the issue, you can also send your answers by filling out the survey here. Thanks so much!
Here's an outline of what this issue contains:
Theme: Submission/Obedience
- From the Editress -- What should you do when you feel like lashing out in anger at someone?
- Over two pages of Epistolography -- encouraging letters from readers, who share how the Lord has used HW in their lives, etc.
- HW's 2001 contest! A treasure hunt through the pages of HW for a special symbol.
- Announcement about the compilation of "Abigail's Amazing Articles," Vol. 1-5. Get more information about this compilation here.
- Wise Counsel answers to "What should I do when friendliness toward a person of the opposite sex is misinterpreted?"
- Stepping in the Light -- here columnist Jennifer S. shows the meaning of obedience and submission, and where it is mentioned in the Bible.
- Obedient From the Heart -- an insightful article by a wife and mother, Mrs. Smith. She shares what the Lord has taught her in the area of submission to God and to her husband.
- The Joy of Submission -- subscriber Kelsey M. shares her thoughts on the subject, and insights on how to develop a submissive spirit.
- The Greatest Temptation -- this article by Carl Kreider shows the importance of making sure our inward attitude lines up with our actions. He urges us to not fall into this "greatest temptation" -- to "hear the truth but to act in the opposite way."
- Blessed are the Pure in Heart -- Mrs. Gloria Y. starts off her new column by discussing the importance of keeping out eye "single" and serving Christ with our whole heart.
- The Story of My Life, Chapter 35 -- This chapter deals with the "Crayon Song": how we learned it, when, where, and how we performed it. It really played a large part in our lives for a number of years! Includes 3 photos of our family taken in early 1992.
- A Price to Pay, Chapter 4, Criminals in the Yard -- You won't want to miss this part of Jolea J.'s thrilling story! This chapter also includes an excellent illustration by Cherish F. which adds so much to the story.
- Precious in His Sight -- this time columnist Jana B. shares how the Lord lead her to baby-sit an infant several times a week, and the lessons that the Lord has taught her from the experience.
- Every Herb of the Field -- this is another exciting new column in HW which is sure to prove interesting. In this introductory article, Erika M. shares her purposes and goals for the column and tells about the many uses for lavender.
- An Egg-citing Craft! -- this time Adrienne G. teaches us how to decorate water fowl eggs. "Even though the process is a little messy and tedious...the result is really unusually beautiful."
- From Tomatoes to Salsa & Cucumbers to Pickles -- This 2-page article by Jennifer S. will have you excited about the benefits of having a family garden!
- Subscriber's Corner -- all about Rachel H. and her family, including 4 photos and a special poem dedicated to her father.
- A Time to Cook... -- recipe columnist Theresa W. has again gathered a delicious selection of reader's favorite recipes. From desserts to breads to main dishes, you'll enjoy them all!
- Daily Bible Readings and Weekly Memory Verses for March and April -- the readings for these two months are very appropriately found in the books of Jonah and 1st and 2nd Samuel. We'll surely glean many truths on the subject of submission/obedience while studying each day's passage!
- And much more in between!!
Click here to see how you can receive a copy of this exciting issue -- we look forward to hearing from you!

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