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Volume 41
I'm thankful to be getting this issue done a bit earlier than usual. Today is April 15, and though I haven't made the copies yet, the masters for Hidden Wisdom Vol. 41 (May-June 2001) are nearly finished! Lord willing we'll be able to make the copies next week, and then get them to each of the subscribers before the end of April.
I was blessed to receive a number of excellent articles on the subject of contentment for this issue. It's always so encouraging to read how others have gained victory in their lives through the Lord's strength! Contentment is a difficult area for many of us, and I found the insights that were shared to be a big encouragement: I'm sure you will, too.
Here's an outline of what this issue contains:
Theme: Contentment
- From the Editress -- What are the benefits of meditating on God's Word? Here are practical steps to discovering treasures in the Bible.
- An extra-long, 5-page edition of Epistolography -- encouraging letters from readers, who share how the Lord has used HW in their lives, etc.
- Find out the winners of HW's 2001 contest!
- Wise Counsel answers to "How can I respond to compliments in a way that honors God?"
- Christ is Enough -- Charity G. shows how Christ is all we really need in this life.
- Stepping in the Light -- here columnist Jennifer S. shares a personal testimony of contentment.
- Contentment -- Ruth M. shares what the Lord has taught her of this virtue, particularly in regard to her courting relationship.
- Trusting in the Lord -- Being able to trust fully in the Lord is the best way to find contentment, says writer Jamilyn D.
- He's Still Working on Me -- an inspiring personal testimony of the journey to contentment, by Megan H.
- The Story of My Life, Chapter 36 -- Don't miss this chapter telling of many exciting changes in our life, including the announcement of a new sibling on the way, the purchase of a van, first-time penpal experiences, and a first (and last!) slumber party. Includes 3 photos of our family taken in early 1992.
- A Price to Pay, Chapter 5, The Hospital -- This chapter of Jolea J.'s continuing story introduces us to Aaron's father, angry and bitter. What will he do about Aaron's injury? Will he ever come to Christ, like his son? Again, Cherish F. has prepared an excellent illustration to go with the chapter.
- Precious in His Sight -- Learn how saying "yes" to a new opportunity and being submissive to her parent's leading helped columnist Jana B. discover an exciting new ministry with children.
- Every Herb of the Field -- Have you ever wondered how to make soap? Wonder no longer! Columnist Erika M. here shares a simple recipe and many helpful tips.
- Subscriber's Corner -- all about Samantha S. and her family, including a thought-provoking tid-bit on contentment.
- All Things -- This excellent article, written by Mr. Dane B., missionary to Ecuador, has many important lessons we all can learn from. Lord willing we'll be able to hear from Dane and his wife on a regular basis -- they can share many insights with us!
- A Craft to ImPRESS! -- Have you ever pressed flowers or leaves? Columnist Adrienne G. takes that idea a step further and teaches us how to make beautiful "prints" from the pressed specimens.
- A Time to Cook... -- recipe columnist Theresa W. has again gathered a delicious selection of reader's favorite recipes. There's a good variety, including several delicious main dishes.
- Blessed are the Pure in Heart -- "Purity... How do we obtain it?" Mrs. Gloria Y. answers this question and others in this insightful article.
- Daily Bible Readings and Weekly Memory Verses for May and June -- the readings for these two months are found in the books of Acts and 1st and 2nd Corinthians, and the memory verses are all on the theme of contentment.
- And much more in between!!
Click here to see how you can receive a copy of this exciting issue -- we look forward to hearing from you!

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