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Volume 42
I'm so thankful to finally be getting this issue done -- there is so much in it that will surely be an encouragement to you! Lord willing, I will be having the copies mailed out to you subscribers within the next 7-10 days. This is the longest issue of HW to date -- 44 pages!
When working on this issue, the verse that kept coming to mind is the one in the graphic above: "Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these...ye have done it unto Me." When practicing hospitality, our motivation should only be "As unto the Lord." He has promised to bless those who even give a cup of cold water in His Name -- and what a joy it is to realize that by serving others, we are really serving Him! I hope each of you find this issue as encouraging as I did.
Here's an outline of what this issue contains:
Theme: Hospitality
- From the Editress -- Do you understand what true joy is? This article tells you how to find it, when to have it, and how to share it with others. Click here to read a somewhat expanded version of this article.
- An extra-long, 5 1/2-page edition of Epistolography -- encouraging letters from readers, who share how the Lord has used HW in their lives, etc.
- In this longest Wise Counsel section ever, readers share answers to "What shall I do, now that I have finished highschool?" Includes a special two-page section of practical ideas, ministries, and projects for girls to invest time in after graduation -- all those facing such decisions will find this very helpful!
- Stepping in the Light -- here columnist Jennifer S. shares insights on when to invite others over, and when to refrain from doing so
- Our Home For Him -- Bethany B. from Brazil tells how the Lord has used their family to show hospitality to needy people around them.
- Making a Difference in Someone's Life -- Amanda O. shares how important hospitality is in the life of a Christian; complete with a beautiful illustration by Jessica D.
- The Story of My Life, Chapter 37 -- Have you ever planned a party that didn't turn out quite like you'd expected? Read all about the adventure I had on my 12th birthday! Complete with 3 photos of our family taken in the summer of 1992.
- Host to a King -- Kelsey M. tells us how much we can learn about hospitality from the life of the Biblical character, Abigail.
- An Example of Hospitality -- "He came for a week's rest and stayed 36 years!" Could you demonstrate this kind of hospitality? About Isaac Watts, the great hymn-writer.
- A Price to Pay, Chapter 6, An Unfriendly Visit -- In this exciting chapter of Jolea Jensen's continued story, Aaron's father comes to visit him and roughly breaks the news that the boy's leg has been amputated. Will Aaron's new-found faith in God be strong enough to bring him through this trial? Cherish F.'s excellent illustration adds a great deal to this chapter.
- Precious in His Sight -- Do you want some practical Bible lesson ideas for teaching young children? This time, columnist Jana B. shares 8 projects she has used effectively -- you'll learn and laugh along with her as she shares her experiences.
- Every Herb of the Field -- In this issue, columnist Erika M. tells us all about Basil -- this is one truly "flavorful and diverse" herb! Includes a recipes for Basil Pesto Sauce.
- Song of the Wilderness -- Jami P. shares from her heart of lessons the Lord has taught her "in the wilderness," and reminds us that it's in the hard times of life that we learn and grow the most.
- Subscriber's Corner -- all about Elissa B. and her family.
- Recipes for Hospitable Hosts -- With this collection of delicious recipes, you'll be totally prepared to share a meal with visitors!
- Blessed are the Pure in Heart -- An insightful comparison of trials in the life of a Christian and the process of purifying gold, by columnist Mrs. Gloria Y.
- Daily Bible Readings and Weekly Memory Verses for July and August -- the readings for these two months are found in the book of Matthew, and the memory verses are all on the theme of hospitality.
- And much more in between!!
Click here to see how you can receive a copy of this exciting issue -- we look forward to hearing from you!

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